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Boys Kona Ice

Community Ed is committed to fostering growth and curiosity in all children with clubs, activities, enrichment classes, and after school care.

Early Learning Center:

The Early Learning Center offers two broad programs designed for the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs. Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) and Preschool. Join us to ignite your child's love of learning and ensure a well-rounded, healthy start for your child's educational journey!

Youth Enrichment Opportunities:

School is out, but that doesn't mean the fun is over. Our after school classes are aimed to inspire and spark creativity. We create safe and welcoming spaces to help facilitate the fun and learning for preK-12th grade.

School Age Care:

Kids Club is Community Ed's School Age Care program that provides quality enrichment and care before and after school and on non-school days. It is a safe space for children to develop friendships and grow in confidence, independence, and respect for themselves and others.

Middle School Opportunities:

As students move on from elementary school, they discover new interests, ideas, and possibilities. To help busy family schedules, as well as introduce young adults to new social and learning experiences, we are proud to offer middle school clubs, unified programs, and Hornet Central, the early arrival option for middle school students.

EHS Community Service Letter:

We are proud to partner with Edina High School to provide high school students with the opportunity to serve their community through volunteering and community service.

Basketball Girls
Kids Club Photo