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Teach a Class

swim lessons

Edina Community Ed is always looking for enthusiastic teachers and new class ideas that help meet the needs of learners of all ages, stages, abilities, and interests. Our course catalog isn't complete without you! Join us!

Year-Round Offerings

We offer year round community opportunities and we want to partner with you to share your skills and interests with the community. Community Ed runs three seasons: Fall (September-December), Winter/Spring (January-May), Summer (June-August) seasons. Whether it's a one day class or a season long one, we want you to share your passion with our community.

Who Can Teach

Anyone can teach! We are looking for youth and adult teachers with new class ideas that creates a place to belong for all our participants. Community teachers are the heart and core of our community-centered program and we will support you and make your class a success for all. Instructors are passionate about their topic and have a desire to share what they know and to connect in a meaningful way with students and families.

Class Ideas

Classes can be about anything. Are you passionate about art, crafts, STEM, sports, languages, cooking, yoga, aquatics, history, woodworking, or dance? Then you can teach! As long as you're passionate about something and want to share it with your community, then we are here to work with you.

kids outside
Community Ed Yoga
Community Ed Archery
lego boat