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- Adult Programming
The Edina Community Ed woodshop is a well-established community that invites opportunities to work with a robust variety of tools along with direction and support through an advisory board. Those opportunities include open woodshop, an orientation to the space, and one-off classes in skills such as marquetry.
- Program Spotlight
- Youth Programming
When Julie Gabrielson and Brandon Sieck noticed a gap in athletic offerings for Edina's 6th graders, they saw an opportunity to make a difference. In the fall of 2022, the two Edina Community Education instructors launched the 6th Grade Run Club, providing young students a chance to get active, build confidence, and forge new friendships.
In summer 2023, a cohort of AmeriCorps fellows had the opportunity to serve local students through partnerships with Edina Community Ed. Fellows Oliver Leupold, Brian Maginnis, and Nathan Blum recently reflected on their rewarding experiences helping advance Edina Community Ed’s work.
Letting kids be kids is at the heart of Edina Community Ed's outdoor nature program. This hands-off, child-led approach taps into children's innate creativity, imagination and sense of adventure.
- Program Spotlight
- Youth Programming
- Program Spotlight
- Volunteering
- Youth Programming
Community Ed provides both teaching and learning experience for high school student Derrick Siu
- General Announcement
- Youth Programming
Inclusion benefits all young people. Inclusion benefits kids with disabilities because it gives them equitable access to the opportunities all children deserve, with peer interaction being one of the most meaningful experiences. Inclusion allows young people without disabilities to learn more about the world, each other, and to prepare for adulthood in a diverse world. In these ways, all young people benefit from inclusion in Edina programming.
- School Age Care
This fall, the Edina Kids Club at Countryside Elementary organized a multi-faceted service learning project benefiting students and the greater Edina community.
Greek history is Stephen Partridge’s passion. A former college professor, Partridge, who goes by Kurt, has authored six historical novels about Greek comedy, poets, and culture. During his research journey, Partridge realized he could share his passion and expertise for Greek history by teaching classes in the community education space.
One of the key roles of lighthouse Community Education programs is to act as a convener and connector. Community Education professionals have deep experience in strategically leveraging shared resources in order to co-create programs for healthy, vital communities committed to lifelong learning. While Edina Community Ed has long been a leader for this district-wide work, we have recently added “Strategic Partnerships” to the department’s title in order to acknowledge that expertise and make it more visible to the community.
- Program Spotlight
- School Age Care
Kids Club staff go above and beyond to create unique, fun, and engaging programming for after school care. Jade Overton, a Kids Club Supervisor, shares how they accomplish this at Cornelia Elementary. Overton meets with her staff monthly to collaborate and plan a well-thought-out month of activities that allow each and every student to be involved and extend their school day the best way.
- Adult Programming
- Program Spotlight
- Volunteering
As a retired employee of the food purchasing industry, Dave Reitz was looking for a way to give back to the Edina community where he raised his kids and where his grandkids attend school. He found joy relearning his high school math skills and began helping students through the Americorp math program. After experiencing mathcore, Reitz realized that volunteering with Edina Public Schools in a math classroom would be a perfect fit for him.
- Youth Programming
In the fall of 2009, Katie Widen began working at Highlands Elementary as a music teacher. She knew from the start that she wanted to continue the legacy of the Highlands choir for 2nd to 5th graders. Fast forward to present day, and the program has blossomed into a large group of over 80 students.
- Adult Programming
Since 1987, Kay Zuccaro has been instructing adult water wellness classes with Edina Community Ed. During this time she has gained a strong following of class participants, some of whom have been with her for over 30 years. Shirley Bowers, Linda Bennettsen, and Marie Rose Lundgren have formed a unique friendship that they attribute to Kay’s dedication and friendly atmosphere.
- Youth Programming
After participating in Community Ed’s State Fair Art Prep Camp, 38 students entered 145 projects to the Minnesota State Fair’s K-12 competition and placed 64 times.