About Us
Great neighborhoods, communities, and schools don't just happen. They are created and sustained by people who show up. People like you! Edina Community Ed is where Edina Public Schools intersect with the broader community. We have a vital role to play as a gateway and a connector who brings people together.
Community Ed Principles
Community Ed Pillars
Our Community Ed Principles and Pillars work in alignment with the Edina Public Schools Strategic Plan.
Community Education is a unique education concept that embraces these beliefs:
Education is a lifelong process
Everyone in the community - individuals, businesses, public and private agencies - shares responsibility for educating all members of the community
Citizens have a right and a responsibility to be involved in determining community needs, identifying community resources, and linking those needs and resources to improve their community.
Community Education results in:
- A responsive education system and an improved learning climate in the schools
- Efficient and cost-effective ways of delivering education and community services
- Broad-based community support for schools and other community agencies
- An emphasis on special populations, such as at-risk youth and minorities
- Collective action among all educational and community agencies to address quality of life issues
Working together - through Community Education - communities can address such concerns as:
- Child care and extended day care programs
- Senior citizen services
- Student achievement and school effectiveness
- Community pride and support for schools
- Unemployment/underemployment
- Literacy/diploma and degree completion
- Community economic development
- Many other community ideas
This information was provided by the Minnesota Community Education Association,
which can be seen at www.mn-mcea.org
which can be seen at www.mn-mcea.org